Rabu, 30 November 2011

How to keep your skin right.

How to keep your skin correctly.
Skin care
Smooth skin with coffee
Coffee? What comes to mind first is certainly a distinctive aroma. If you're not a fan of coffee and think that drinking coffee is considered not healthy, you still can, really, enjoy coffee and feel the benefits. Because, it turns out coffee has many benefits for your skin.
Coffee contains caffeine which, besides high can increase the production of adrenaline, also can relieve sleepiness, headaches and reduce blood vessel dilation. Other properties are able to decrease the production of lactate which is the remainder of the energy metabolism of the muscle that creates a feeling sore on the body.

In India there is such a treatment, a treatment or scrub with a scrub using a medium coffee. Treatment which takes about 1.5 hours is believed to slimming and smoothing the skin if done regularly.
How treatment steps?

First, the skin is brushed by using a body brush, then coffee smeared all over her body rubbed. After that, the process is repeated by using powdered herbs typical of India. Then, after scrubbing stage was completed, a sauna so that the efficacy of coffee and powdered herbs can be absorbed into the skin layers. The coffee used is pure ground coffee beans themselves.

1. Being able to remove dead skin cells that can repair damaged skin.
2. Can neutralize the irritated skin as well as nourish the skin.
3. Can eliminate body odor.
4. Able to revitalize new skin cells and keep the skin moist.
5. Being able to remove acne scars, spots, and stains black stubborn.
6. Get rid of cellulite if done regularly.
7. Can improve blood circulation and break down fat in the body that can cause cellulite.
8. Functioning as an astringent because the content was the same with a pH of our skin (4,5) so as to reduce and eliminate acne or blemishes on the skin.
9. Provides protection against UVA or UVB rays.
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